July 15, 2024

The Tale of Rose

I am currently watching The Tale of Rose, and it has taken me longer to get through this series compared to others.

I can't watch it all in one go; I need to give myself breaks from all the emotion.

This drama is incredibly good, well-acted, with a well-crafted script and just the right amount of subtle humor. "The Tale of Rose" is so relatable. Even if you haven't experienced her journey personally, anyone can find themselves in similar situations at any point in their life. It's true that a woman's future can take a different path depending on who she marries, but that does not mean that that is the only path to end with.

The emotional depth and complexity of "Rose" make it stand out from other series. The storyline delves into the challenges and triumphs of the protagonist in a way that feels very genuine and heartfelt. The characters are well-developed, it really captures my attention and emotion.

I have always loved Liu Yi Fei, and I love her even more in this drama. However, I didn't enjoy her performance in "Mulan." I think some actors are simply not suited for Hollywood.

I will add my review after I am done watching.  For now, I will just let myself sway a little in the drama. I don't want it to end too soon.

Updates with review:

1. I wish I had a brother as understanding as Huang Zen Hua, someone who always has your back.

2. The support of family and friends is a significant factor in life, especially if you don't have a supportive husband in this case.

3. I love how this drama ends, leaving it to your own imagination.

4. I always believe that we are still young in our 40s. Imagine if you live up to 90 years old—you aren't even halfway done. So, why limit yourself? Of course, in terms of physical fitness, that's another matter. Do things within your capacity.  

5. Know your 底线 (dǐxiàn) – your limit, the lowest you willing to go.

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