January 24, 2018

ohhh Boots! In Japan

Adoi, banyak nya boots yang cantik di Japan.

Design sleek and simple, quality tip top, jahitan kemas, nampak keras tapi bila dah disarungkan ke kaki, lembut la pulak rasa, sedap gitu.

Rambang mata iouls..

Kita cuba yang Suede pulak, kiri lain, kanan lain.

Yang mana satu pilihan kalbu.

Suede vs Leather, from Mr. Google I learnt that Suede takes more TLC than Leather, tapi cantik la Suede, sedap dipegang pulak tu.

Made In Japan vs Not Made In Japan, generally those Made in Japan cost more than non-Japan, setanding harga dengan yang Made in Italy.  Tapi dah alang-alang di Japan, takkan nak beli yang dari negara lain pulak kan.

ohh ya, I noticed that all the shoes/boots/handbags that I checked in Japan does indicate from which country it is from.  Kalau tanya Leather kulit apa, the sales lady will check in her file and inform you the material.  Dah balik Kuching, pergi tengok-tengok kasut kat Parkson takda satu pun yang ada tanda Made from where. hmmm..semua Made in Malaysia kot.

Ha... hubby pun dah terjebak.

Yes, I bought a pair of boots in Japan, the most expensive one that I have thus far.


Rose world said...

Really tempted to buy a pair right??

Willie said...

Tahniah sebab dah beli sepasang boots dari sana. Best eh kerja Tourism. Byk tempat pergi.

Ezvina said...

Hi Rose, ya samgat tempted.

Ezvina said...

Aiya Willie, ini trip pegi sendiri la, beli tiket AirAsia je, tak payah keja tourism pun bisa sampai. Janji rezeki halal.