November 29, 2011

Approaching mid-30's

Semenjak umur semakin mendekati pertengahan 30-an ini,
saya rasa ada beberapa perubahan yang berlaku ke atas diri saya.

1. KFC, Pizza Hut n McDonald sudah tidak begitu menarik lagi.

2. Hawker food centre yang agak 'gelap' lantainya dah kurang menyelerakan, contoh seperti di Hui Sing dan BDC, dulu tempat-tempat inilah yang menjadi tempat favourite. Tapi satay Hui Sing and air matterhorn nya still the best in Kuching!

3. Dislike hotels with small restroom and cannot tahan rooms without window.

4. Awareness on beneficial food.


Rose world said...

Hahhaha! I already start to feel the above when I had my first child! :p But the kids love McD's so we visit McD quite often, about 2 to 3 times per month.

lvynana said...

Yup, my kids love McD also; sometimes i take simple food at home 1st before bring them to McD.

Coffee Girl said...

Aku terbalik plak, makin hinginkan KFC dan McD. hahaha. tapi part hotel ya benarlah, mesti maok bilik yang bertingkap.

Mummy Gwen said...

Haha...same lah but I still like fast food. :)

Nimi said...

"awaraness on beneficial food"

true true..

so kinek tok mun kluar, sinei la pegi makan?