May 14, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

Got this gift from Eugene yesterday.
He brought it back from school since friday, but I was on travelling so he kept in the fridge, takut biskut masuk angin kan..
They make the cookies own their own at school, while the teachers help to bake it for them.
He even requested to bake more cookies together at home, I said wait for Gawai, the best excuse for the time being.
I need to start looking for more simple cookies recipes now..

Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies out there!


Mummy Gwen said... sweet. The school baked cookies for the mothers.

Happy Mother's Day to you!

Coffee Girl said...

Aih cute! should try the gingerbread cookie recipe, senang jak.

Happy Mother's Day dayung!

lvynana said...

Mummy Gwen: happy mother's day to you too!

Coffee girl: Ginger bread? slalu dgr orang putih polah ya, aku pun lum pernah makan gik...klak carik recipe. Thanks for the idea.