October 16, 2011

Emmett @ 2 years 2 months

His new sentences/words...

1. Mak wat tik bih. (Don't be like that)
2. Pitoi (pistol)
3. Botoi (botol)
3. Cocodile (crocodile)
4. Mummy, jak duduk datik (Mummy, come and sit here)

*Selalu nyer kalau dia guna babytalk, cuma Eugene jer yang faham, so Mummy akan minta Eugene tolong translate-kan.
*Other delevopment, we have introduced potty training to him.
*Fav game is still Angry Bird
*Night sleeping pattern is getting better, hopefully will improve further :)
*perkataan yang nya masih confuse: terbalik = ottok balik (kita balik)


Coffee Girl said...

Ujung semua 'i'... nasib baik bukan cocodoi... haha

lvynana said...

Coffee girl: ogi sap Iban sesat eh doh, makai, nyamai :)