April 24, 2009
April 22, 2009
Holiday Chalet, Sematan
That’s the chalet, with 2 rooms fully air-con, TV in the living room, 1 bathroom with heater and a kitchen with gas stove, fridge and cooking utensils.
This might not be the best resort in Sematan, but having so many kids around, we need a place with swimming pool facility; which is safer compare to the beach, and easier for us to control/monitor the kids as well. And we also need the kitchen facility to cook simple babies' meal. Seems like this is the only option that we have at that moment.
This year, we are planning for our family trip again, and this time, maybe we’ll try Lundu beach, either Pandan or Siar. Lundu is much closer compare to Sematan, still trying to book for suitable chalet. Option include Ocean beach, Siar beach, Palm beach or Holiday chalet again?!
More photos here.
April 16, 2009
Lunch Buffet at Hilton Pt.2
Hi friends, here's some important info:
The promotion price is RM39++, which means RM39.00 plus 15% tax (service tax and gov tax)
On top of that, LADIES will get another 50% OFF.
Great isn't it! Ladies, faster, few more days to go.
Pls give them a call 1st ok, who knows they might end the promotion sooner then the date stated, don't blame me for that ar ;)
Ok, come makan.
Let's start our meal with a plate of salad.
If one plate is not enough, just take another one, jangan malu². This time plus BBQ beef, sedap sangat, very tender and juicy too, with choice of sauce from BBQ sauce, black pepper or mushroom.
The promotion price is RM39++, which means RM39.00 plus 15% tax (service tax and gov tax)
On top of that, LADIES will get another 50% OFF.
Great isn't it! Ladies, faster, few more days to go.
Pls give them a call 1st ok, who knows they might end the promotion sooner then the date stated, don't blame me for that ar ;)
Ok, come makan.
Let's start our meal with a plate of salad.
If one plate is not enough, just take another one, jangan malu². This time plus BBQ beef, sedap sangat, very tender and juicy too, with choice of sauce from BBQ sauce, black pepper or mushroom.
Laksa sarawak, hari² makan laksa, tp masih gak nak cuba laksa kat Hilton, not bad la.
He only wants ice-cream and sweet.
So mummy have to finish it lo, jemput²!
Tomato rice, baked chicken breast and fried egg.
Dessert..manis² belaka, tangan si kecil dah tak sabar nak ambil chocolate, tapi dia tak nak white chocolate tu, dia cakap itu bukan chocolate, kesian my son, jakun juga dia ni..hihi

Ada banyak lagi sebenarnya, tapi dah tak larat nak makan..kenyang giler.
Nak balik tido je la.
Nak balik tido je la.
See Lunch Buffet at Hilton Pt.1 here
Lunch Buffet at Hilton Pt.1
Hilton is having a lunch buffet promotion until 20 April 2009 at RM39++
Apa lagi kawan², cepat la ke sana.
Let's have a look at the surrounding 1st.

Apa lagi kawan², cepat la ke sana.
Let's have a look at the surrounding 1st.
Jum tengok kite makan ape at Lunch Buffet at Hilton Pt.2
April 12, 2009
Potty training
At the age of 2 years 6 months and 3 weeks, for the 1st time, Eugene dah pandai buang air besar sambil duduk kat potty. Dah bertahun Mummy beli potty tu, tapi dia tak nak duduk kat situ. Yes, I know it's a bit late, but still I'm very proud of his latest achievement!
Happy Potty training and Happy Easter to all!
April 9, 2009
Diners Club - Sushi King
Card Diners Club saya baru sampai.
28 March 2009 - RM28++(actual) RM26++(discount)
Update 9 April 2009 - sesi lepas geram
Yesterday I went to Sushi King again, I ordered my usual fav menu, total price was RM28++.
Masa nak bayar kat counter using my Diners card, to my surprise the cashier cakap CC cuma boleh untuk purchase RM30 and above, even the manager pun cakap gitu, and asked me to take another plate so that the total is RM30+. Huh nak makan lagi?!
Ape bende nih, hari tu saya makan benda yang sama, price yang sama, tempat yang sama, boleh pula guna Diners card nih, dapat 10% discount lagi. Apsal kali ni tak boleh..aduh..betul² mcm chipsmore..kejap boleh.. kejap tak boleh.
Tak baik tau memperkotak-katikkan perasan orang.
Tipah tertipu.
No more visit to Sushi King @ Boulevard for me!
Update 9 April 2009 - sesi lepas geram
Yesterday I went to Sushi King again, I ordered my usual fav menu, total price was RM28++.
Masa nak bayar kat counter using my Diners card, to my surprise the cashier cakap CC cuma boleh untuk purchase RM30 and above, even the manager pun cakap gitu, and asked me to take another plate so that the total is RM30+. Huh nak makan lagi?!
Ape bende nih, hari tu saya makan benda yang sama, price yang sama, tempat yang sama, boleh pula guna Diners card nih, dapat 10% discount lagi. Apsal kali ni tak boleh..aduh..betul² mcm chipsmore..kejap boleh.. kejap tak boleh.
Tak baik tau memperkotak-katikkan perasan orang.
Tipah tertipu.
No more visit to Sushi King @ Boulevard for me!
April 8, 2009
Top spot - ABC Seafood
Dinner with my colleagues at ABC seafood, Top spot, a famous seafood centre in the middle of Kuching town.
Mix seafood soup
Steam kerapu fish - I prefer fried kerapu, with sweet and sour sauce or with mango..yummy.

Mix seafood soup

Menu :
1. Midin belacan
2. Mix seafood soup
3. Steam kerapu
4. Butter prawn
5. Crab with dried chillies
6. Plain rice
7. Fruits
8. Drinks
Price :
RM200 for 8 person
April 7, 2009
April 6, 2009
Kitchen wishlist
List of things that I need to make my current kitchen a better place.
Oven, now we only have a toaster oven, I need a bigger oven to bake some cookies and cakes, and also some roasted chicken. (got it, thou now I wish for a bigger one)
Microwaves, need this to warm up the frozen food, ketika kemalasan melanda. (done in 2009)
A new light to change the current kalimantang light. (done in 2011)
A new stove, the existing one not functioning well, api slow sangat. (done in 2010)
Kitchen cabinets, to repair the old one that we are using now, macam dah nak reput jer. (done in 2010, now there's another corner that needs TLC too.)
Hood, to have a modern handsome looking hood will be a dream come true. We have an old one, with no ventilation system. (done)
* last update Jan 2017
April 5, 2009
Tagged by ivy
1. Orang luar sana tak kenal kamu. Perjelaskan siapa kamu?
Silalah baca 25 random things about me.
2. Sikap kamu yang 'mantap'?
- setia
-berpegang pada janji
-menepati masa
3. Sikap kamu yang sangat jelek?
- pelupa
- pemalas
4. Apa gajet yang sentiasa kamu bawa?
Not really into gadget, yg penting ada sedikit cash.
5. Dah berapa HP kamu pakai selama neh? Senaraikan brands nye. Jenama HP yang sedang kamu gunakan sekarang?
Alamak, agak2 nyer mcm ni lah susunan kot :
Sony Ericsson
6. Siapa bestfriend kamu?
They know who there are ;)
7. Siapa yang kamu sayang selain family kamu? Kenapa kamu sayang dia?
Semua yang sayangkan dirinya dan orang lain.
8. Lagi 10 tahun kamu jadi apa?
Seseorang yang bebas - financially.
9. Kata-kata hikmah yang pernah kamu dengar & paling kamu suka?
Banyak sebenarnya..yang paling practical..Always prepare for the worse (rainy days).
10. Dalam blog kamu, sudah ada berapa followers?
11 orang.
11. Senaraikan followers yang paling kamu suka? (Tak kira kuantiti). Kenapa?
Semua saya chayang.
12. Makhluk Tuhan Paling Hot yang mahu di tag:
Jawap la sekiranya anda sila ya.
April 3, 2009
Super follower awards
Got this award from Nadia.
And I'm gonna pass it to all my loyal followers:
Thank you so much for your support and friendship!
And I'm gonna pass it to all my loyal followers:

April 2, 2009
Zaman IT dan technology masih lagi ada orang yang mengamalkan ilmu ‘pengasih’. Aku paling meluat la kalau ada orang yang macam ugut² cakap yang dia tu pandai buat ilmu pengasih la..bla bla bla..
Kalau korang ni orang yang beragama, tolong la jangan gunakan benda-benda yang macam tu. Kalau orang dah tak suka tu sudah lah, cari yang lain. Kalau yang dah ada bini tu, hargai la bini kamu. Ingat lah, dunia ni bulat, hari ni awak kena kan orang, esok² orang lain pula akan kenakan awak.
Sekian omong kosong kita hari ini.
Kalau korang ni orang yang beragama, tolong la jangan gunakan benda-benda yang macam tu. Kalau orang dah tak suka tu sudah lah, cari yang lain. Kalau yang dah ada bini tu, hargai la bini kamu. Ingat lah, dunia ni bulat, hari ni awak kena kan orang, esok² orang lain pula akan kenakan awak.
Sekian omong kosong kita hari ini.
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